Our Greatest Source of Unhappiness

Hope, memory, and how our chronic compulsion to flee from our own lives robs us of living. It is too often the case that we spend our lives fleeing from the present moment.  Instead of being ever-present, we find ourselves occupied with overplanning the future or ‘recoiling with anxiety over its impermanence‘. This preoccupation robs […]

The Optimism Delusion

Is optimism just a delusion? Are optimists merely happy fools, floating around, oblivious to all the pain and suffering in the world? Can it be that pessimism is a more accurate perception of reality? I personally feel that optimism and pessimism are both delusional by nature. The difference being that the former can serve our […]

Making Peace with the Worst Case Scenario

“Negative thoughts!? But haven’t you read the secret?” I know, I know  – negative thinking is bad, right? If you bring negative thoughts to your mind, the Universe will give you exactly what you’ve thought of! I’ve heard this for a while, but it’s just not something that works for me. For even a very […]